- 830 points solderless breadboard
- 10 x 10K resistors (RA10K0)
- 10 x 560R resistors (RA560E0)
- 10 x 5.1K resistors
- 1 x 1602 LCD module (LCD1602BLC)
- 1 x T-shape GPIO expansion board
- 1 x ribbon cable for GPIO board
- 1 x infrared receiver module (VMA317)
- 1 x mini remote control for VMA317
- 1 x 50K potentiometer (K047AM)
- 4 x button with round cap 4-pin 12 x 12 mm
- 2 x red LED 5 mm
- 2 x green LED 5 mm
- 2 x yellow LED 5 mm
- 1 x RGB LED 5 mm
- 1 x 40 pin 2.54 mm single row male pin header
- 1 x PIR motion sensor (VMA314)
- 1 x 5 V relay module (VMA406)
- 1 x 5 V stepper motor with ULN2003 driver board
- 1 x DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor
- 1 x PL2303 USB-TTL serial converter cable
- 1 x rain sensor module
- 2 x photoresistor LDR 0.1-500K
- 1 x temperature sensor (DS18B20)
- 1 x plastic clear box 200 x 140 x 48 mm
Catalog, Quote, availability