- This basic kit includes: 1 x ATmega328 UNO DEVELOPMENT BOARD (VMA100)
- 15 x LED (different colors)
- 8 x 220 Ohm resistor (RA220E0)
- 5 x 1K resistor (RA1K0)
- 5 x 10K resistor (RA10K0)
- 1 x 830 hole breadboard
- 1 x RGB LED module (VMA318)
- 4 x 4-pin Key switch
- 1 x Active buzzer (VMA319)
- 1 x Passive buzzer
- 1 x 1838 IR Infrared 37.9Khz Receiver (VMA317)
- 1 x Infrared remote control
- 1 x infrared sensor diode
- 1 x LM35 temperature sensor (LM35DZ)
- 2 x Ball tilt switch (similar to MERS4 & MERS5)
- 3 x Photosenitive resistor LDR (similar to LDR04)
- 1 x 74HC595 Shift register (HC595)
- 1 x Battery holder for 6 AA battery's (similar to BH363B)
- 1 x 8*8 LED Matrix display
- 1 x single digit 7 segment LED display
- 1 x 4 digit 7 segment LED display
- 30 x Breadboard jumper wire
- 1 x USB cable
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