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Slimline 2000 Pedestal, 6"

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AMPS-compatible. Knob and set-screw adjusting options included.

• Overall mount height (including shaft) is 6" (152.4mm)

• 210° Tilt, 360° Turn and 360° Rotation at both ends

• Head plate is molded of durable glass fiber-reinforced composite plastic

• Aluminum alloy shaft

• Housings at the head and foot incorporate a serrated contact design that increases gripping power at the adjusting points

• Rectangular AMPS pattern: 30mm x 38mm (1.181" x 1.496") on center

• Foot is molded of durable long glass fiber-reinforced composite plastic

• Concave foot design evenly distributes the mounting load for maximum stability and eliminates "carpet float"

• Foot measures 2.5" x 2.5" (63.5mm x 63.5mm)

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