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FNA Time-delay Pin indication Fuses

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Class: Supplemental

Description: Time-delay, pin indication fuse.

Dimensions: 13⁄32” x 1 1⁄2” (10.3 x 38.1mm).

Construction: Fiber tube

Volts: 250Vac (1⁄10-8⁄10A); 125Vac (1-15A); 32V (20-30A)
Amps: 1⁄10-30A
IR: (1⁄10-8⁄10A@ 250Vac); 10,000A (1⁄10-15A @ 125Vac); 1000A (20-30A @ 32V)

Agency Information:
CE, Std. 248- 14, UL Listed 1⁄10-8⁄10A, IR 35A@ 250V, IR 10kA@ 125V , 1-15A, IR 10kA@ 125V, Guide JDYX, File 19180, CSA Certified, 0-8⁄10A/250V, 1-10A/125V, Class 1422-01, File 53787.

Genery information:
• Use in power electronic circuits in which there are high inrush currents and fuse openings must be quickly apparent.
• Has silver-plated pin for positive, electrical signal activation.
• FNAs larger than 10 amperes have dual-tube construction.
• Mount in Buss fuseblock 3839 for signal indication.
• Mount in HPF-C panel-mounted fuseholder or BM series fuseblocks for visual indication.

Features and Benefits
• FNA has a pin indicator providing visual identification of failed circuits, resulting in reduced circuit downtime.
• Time-delay response allows close sizing on control transformers and relays

Typical Applications
• Control Circuits
• Electronic Circuits

Catalog Numbers (Amps)

FNA-1/10 FNA-8/10 FNA-2 1/2 FNA-6 1/4
FNA-1/8 FNA-1 FNA-2 8/10 FNA-7
FNA-15/100 FNA-1 1/8 FNA-3 FNA-8
FNA-2/10 FNA-1 1/4 FNA-3 2/10 FNA-9
FNA-1/4 FNA-1 4/10 FNA-3 1/2 FNA-10
FNA-3/10 FNA-1 1/2 FNA-4 FNA-12*
FNA-4/10 FNA-1 6/10 FNA-4 1/2 FNA-15*
FNA-1/2 FNA-1 8/10 FNA-5 FNA-20*
FNA-6/10 FNA-2 FNA-5 6/10 FNA-25*
FNA-3/4 FNA-2 1/4 FNA-6 FNA-30

*12-30A versions are dual-tube construction

Carton Quantity and Weight

Ampere Ratings Carton Qty Weight
Lbs. Kg.
0–10 100 1.5 0.65
12–30 100 3 1.36

Time-Current Characteristic Curves–Average Melt

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