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How a Battery Works

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Battery Performance Page Performance

W hat goes on under the CopperTop™
From the outside it seems simple enough, if even rather elegant. You turn on a device, your Duracell® alkaline battery powers it. On the inside, however, things aren't that simple. Batteries are highly engineered electrochemical cells. They convert chemical energy to electrical energy using three major materials: the anode, the cathode, and the electrolyte. How these materials get picked for the job depends on how well they give up or attract electrons, something that must happen for an electric current to be generated. The anode is often a metal, the cathode a metallic oxide, the electrolyte an electricity conductor.

© 1997 Duracell Inc.

Bullet Right Battery - All Applications Bullet The Big Five Bullet Alkaline
Bullet Mallory Photo Bullet Photo/Electronic Bullet Lithium Photo
Bullet Alkaline Lantern Bullet Silver Oxide Bullet Special Application
Bullet How a Battery Works Bullet Anatomy of a Battery Bullet Battery Chemistry One
Bullet Battery Chemistry Two Bullet Battery Chemistry Three Bullet Battery Performance
Bullet Proper Battery Care Bullet HOME PAGE Bullet DURACELL MENU

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