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Omron Electronic Components

Omron Electronic Components

Omron Electronic Components is a global supplier of technologically advanced electronic components including connectors, relays, switches, MEMS flow and pressure sensors, and optical components which provide innovative solutions to a variety of applications such as: consumer electronics, appliances, computer peripherals, office automation products and telecom.


Availability of Inventory

Omron Electronic ComponentsWaldom Electronics provides immediate shipment from stock on over 1,200 Omron Electronic Components part numbers. Waldom’s inventory ranges from the most popular A and B part numbers, to less-frequently stocked C and D items. Waldom offers a one-piece minimum order quantity (MOQ) on the vast majority of Omron Electronic Components part numbers at a small mark-up over distributor cost through our Vanishing MOQs program. Waldom offers pricing that provides competitive advantages to Omron Electronic Components authorized partners, as well as Omron Electronic Components extended network.